Brewer Designs

EW/SOE has a number of different brewer designs available.  Some are free and some are sold.  Contact EW/SOE for more information.

Projects and Reports

EW/SOE currently has available reports from finished projects and guidelines for creating proposals to submit to municipalities as a part of an RFQ.  We have reports for:

-- Wastewater industry/Biosolids composting.
-- Park turf water conservation/Park management without chemicals.
-- Compost tea/Micorrhiza turf tests

Contact EW/SOE and indicate which report you would like or if you need guidelines.

BiOActive (BOA©) Productivity

P.O Box 6741
Los Osos, CA 93402
(805) 534-9605

BOA© -- BOA stands for BiOActive Organic Amendment.  It is a process that delivers the benefits of compost tea in a dry form.  The process can be licensed and a line of products can be developed using BOA processes.  Contact EW/SOE for information about this innovative methodology and discover the types of products that can be enhanced using BOA.

EW/SOE has brewers and brewer designs from 2 gallons up to 225